TOPIC 4 - Discuss where the good idea come from. How to generate more good ideas? (TP070991)


Actually idea originate from various sources, but not every idea is a good idea, a good idea brings good impact. Due to this statement, I would say good idea mostly come from the sharing and contribution of professional agencies or organization in the market. There is a terms that can explain this process which we called it as "technology transfer". 

Technology transfer is defined as movement of work structure, technical knowledge, inventions or trade secret from a parties to another. (TWI, 2023) Thus, it is very obvious that organization that receive this information can gain new insight on how to expand their business. For example, Malaysia currently have 13% of the global market in semiconductor mainly in packaging, assembly and testing due to the technology transfer process by technology company like NVIDIA, INTEL and AMD. (E南洋, 2023) This shown that people that working with these big tech company have gain the idea, then practically use their business model to understand how will be the idea implement effectively. Thus, I believe they able to localize the idea and make their own new business in the very near future to improve Malaysia's economic which actually brings good influence to the country.

Furthermore, I also believe that collaborate and brainstorm with other is a great method to generate more ideas. As a saying goes, "the more brains, the more ideas." When we dicuss the idea in groups, all members are from different background, thus we may get opinion from different perspective. This increase the posibility of finding threat or fraud from the original ideas. As the result, a bad idea can transform to an exellent idea after people debate and reform it.

In the nutshell, technology transfer is a great platform to get ideas while collaborate and brainstorm can enhance the ideas.


E南洋. (2023, December 28). E南洋财经新闻/芯片封测厂商涌向大马-中媒槟城及居林成投资热点

TWI. (2023). What is Technology Transfer? (Definition and Examples). TWI Gobal. ‌

Made by Tan Wai Ken


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