TOPIC 5 - Effectuation (TP070151)

 Can effectuation also be used in companies? Or is it useful only for entrepreneurship?

  Effectuation can be used in companies too. Effectuation is a good way for decision making in situations that are filled with many uncertainties. High uncertainty is common for entrepreneurs but it doesn't mean that companies wouldn't face it too (Neostarter,2022). Radical innovation is a great example for this scenario. When companies want to invest in new technology, there are no data for them to rely on for possible demands because they are not exist in the market yet (Neostarter,2022).

What is the key difference between effectuation and other approaches in entrepreneurship?

  The key difference between effectuation and other approaches is based on the person's mindset, how he/she think about goals(causes) and means(effects) (Neostarter,2022).  Entrepreneurs could leverage and embrace those uncertainty by working with means while other approaches focuses more on predictive planning according to the market resources and data.

 Are the effectual approach and the traditional (causal) approach mutually exclusive?

  No, they may co-exist. They do not have to be total opposite because they can work well together at different stages of the business journey (Morales,2020). Effectuation is ideal for person who just start out a business. However, as things goes further by time, the old method might make more sense. It's about using the right approach at the right time to keep progressing (Neostarter,2022).

Does effectuation mean: “not planning”?

  Effectuation does not mean "not planning". Instead, it emphasis on a adaptable scheduling (Morales, 2020). I can set my goals but I'm also willing to adjust the goals based on how things change. It's all about how to open to feedback and adapt based on the circumstances.

Are Effectuation and Lean Startup compatible?

  Effectuation and Lean Startup is compatible. Lean Startup focus more on fast experimentation, learning from what it works and constantly refining product (Ries,2011, as cited in Van,2014). When things are unpredictable, effectuation allows one to make good decision. When two are combine together, one have strong balance of trying new things and think strategically.


Neostarter. (2022, March 3). FIVE QUESTIONS ABOUT EFFECTUATION - NEOSTARTER - medium. Medium.

Morales, C. (2020, April 28). Effectuation in five questions.

Van Der Linden, D. (2014). The Lean Startup: How today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. Hogeschool-rotterdam.



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