TOPIC 4 - Discuss where the good idea come from, How to generate more good ideas? (TP070151)
In my opinion, good idea come from creativity and innovation. Creativity is one of the factor that can't be neglected. It's all about thinking out of the box. Developing art like booths or experiences that make attendees feel like they're part of something special by adding an element of creativity inside. Up next, customer insight is also crucial for where the good idea come from. Understanding customer's needs, what they like is essential. One could chat with customers, ask them some questions and do some surveys to figure out what makes them tick and that's the key where good idea coming out. In addition, team collaboration and brainstorming is also important. Conduct a brainstorming session with team members allows different ideas to pop out for trade show activities, promotion and booth improvement. By collecting different ideas from the team, we could generate more creative ideas that might not have occurred by one person.
We can generate more good ideas by doing market research. Through market research, we can understand more about current trends, customer preference and competitor activities. This might helps us to fill up the gaps in the market and new chances for our product or services at trade shows. Up next, attend competing trade shows is also one of the ways to generate more ideas. Observe the surroundings that attract your eyeballs and take down some notes about it and bring back those ideas to make them fit in your own brand smartly.
1. Gupta, R. (2024, April 7). Trade Show Marketing (Ideas + Examples) – Ultimate guide. Cannibals Media.
2. Kankaria, H. (2024, January 30). How to plan a trade show? 13 key elements for success. Pure Exhibits.
3. Tate, A. (2024, March 4). 13 tips for generating new ideas | Canva. Learn.
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